So I could use this valuable blog time to good use by writing on my paper topic but I'm not really in the mood for that so like those before me I guess I’ll reflect on this class. When I registered for classes I needed a writing class and I didn’t really care which one I signed up for so I picked the one with the coolest name. That class called “Midnight Sun People” turned out to be a Scandinavian studies class focusing on the native Sami people of the north. Yeah big mistake. I saw this class on the list of available writing classes and kept passing over it because I was thinking I’m already signed up for three math classes why take a fourth class relating to math when I could take a writing class on any topic. However the subject kept intriguing me so I gave in and switched into Literature and Mathematics.
I’m really glad I did. The class turned out to be a really good outlet for seeing math in a real world setting. Well the world of Max and the “utopia” of We may not exactly be real world scenarios but I was able to learn about patterns and the potential negative aspects of technology mixed with governmental control. I never really approached math in this sort of way and this class has been a sort of release from the headache of complex analysis and number theory. It’s also been good to learn that if I dive deep enough in to my studies it’s quite possible that I’ll be driven insane. Anyway it’s been fun. Good luck to everyone on finals and whatnot.
haha, yeah, I signed up for Partial Differential Equations and Applications, but... as it turned out to be basically a Physics course and nothing I was even remotely interested in, I dropped it and found this course in the same time slot by chance. Boy, I sure am glad I made that choice.
I'm really glad I selected this class too. I liked the class discussions. It seemed like most people were kind of shy about the class discussion stuff, but I really liked that part of the class. I like hearing what everyone had to say. I also thought that We and Vas were pretty cool. Yes, I guess I'm one of the weird ones that actually liked Vas.
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